Reasons why Steve Jobs is rolling over in his grave.

1. I know they are just rumors, but a 7.85 iPad?
Next thing you know they’ll be adding a calling option to the iPad… and then it’s an iPhone. If you think the iPad is too big and maybe you want it to fit in your pocket, buy a different tablet. Buy one of those huge phones they keep advertising. “Is it a phone or a tablet?” They don’t even know how to market the thing.

2. Prepaid Cricket Wireless and Boost Mobile plans
Come on, anyone who can’t afford a monthly contract, probably doesn’t need to purchase a $500 phone. Apple began making computers that were too expensive for the general public and mostly for the enthusiast. The iPhone’s success has certainly driven sales of other Apple products and sold its users on Apple and Mac dominance, especially when it comes to the user experience. Do they need to jump into the prepaid cellphone market? Obviously its an untapped one for them, but I just don’t think Steve would have been down for it.

3. Siri is more or less a failure
I don’t know one person who actually uses the personal assistant. The fact that they are paying celebrity actors to be in commercials promoting Siri pretty much says they’ve received the feedback, and it’s not good.

4. Facebook integration into iOS6
Facebook sucks. It should be paired with the open-source platform Android. They’re both lame.